Unleash the power of conversational data to drive intelligent decision-making with CADE
- Sole Source fully justified by Phase I and II Small Business competition.
- No workshare requirements – Ability to partner with both small and large businesses.
- May be used to acquire a wide variety of solutions fulfilling a broad range of requirements.
- Products, Production, Services, Integration, Research, and Development.
- Services and Materials can be acquired on the same contract.
- Scope: Cloud Migrations, SW Dev, Prototype, DevSecOps, Production, Cybersecurity.
- Non-Protestable, All colors of Funds (except SBIR $) – Contract Types: CP, T&M, FFP, etc.
- Supports contracts at all Security Classification levels across all Federal Agencies.
- Entire contract acquisition process can be done in 45 -90 days.
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Information
The SBIR program is a competitive initiative established by Congress in 1982 to encourage small
businesses to engage in Federal Research and Development to solve Governmental challenges.
The program has three phases:
Determines the scientific and technical merit and feasibility of a proposed effort
Typically a demonstration phase in which prototypes are built and tested
Work that derives from, extends, or completes a SBIR Phase I or II capability
Links to SBIR Information
Learn More
Our Track Record
- HumanIT Prime Contracts:30+
- Exceptional & Very Good CPARS:95+%
- Listed on Inc. 5000:4 years